Action Properties

There are several property values that are vital to any action:


The URL is no longer the base URL, it is the second part of the URL that includes the API action you want to execute, for example:

Property Values

  • ID: The ID is a camel case ID that is used to reference the action when you need to nest action calls (for example, call an action as part of an Auth process)

  • Type: In 99% of cases, the type will be the default value of “Action,” however in some cases the type may be “Trigger.”

  • API: This references the API that the action is based on.

  • Authenticated: This is a boolean value that states whether the action needs to be authenticated before being executed. Unless the action is part of the Auth process (in which case, of course the action itself does not need to be authenticated), the value should also be “Yes”

  • Hidden: This field is to hide internal actions, unless necessary this should remain the default of “No.”

  • Operation: Set this to which type of operation this action is (“None”, “Create”, “Read”, “Update”, or “Delete”)

  • Model: If the data referenced in the action conforms to a standard model, such as a Product, Employee, Message, etc., then set this accordingly.

  • Documentation: A link to the API documentation relevant to the action is vital here for future reference.