Rate Limiting

Rate limiting is a routine issue that comes with any API call, particularly those where pagination is involved. This is handled with full automation in Gravity through the Retry Settings in the API configuration:

Clicking on the small arrow on the right of the option will give you access to configure the retries as follows:

Here you are able to define the following:

  • Retry Multiplier: This allows you to multiply the Retry Delay by a factor after each attempt. For example, a 2x multiplier would mean that a 3,000 milliseconds delay would be for the first retry, 6,000 for the second retry, 12,000 for the third, and so forth.

  • Retry Delay: This is the number of milliseconds between tries.

  • Max Attempts: This is the number of attempts that will be made before giving up.

Important Note

Retries occur automatically, assuming that the response has a 429 response. Some APIs do not provide this standard, which is why it’s critical that you properly set the response mapper and comply with the Gravity Standard Response Format.