REST APIs are the backbone of most apps, providing the basis and structure for all subsequent actions. The setup is similar to PostMan for the sake of familiarity, but it includes a wide range of features and extensible capabilities that enable you to create an App for almost any purpose.
Creating a REST API
Within an App, creating a rest API start with a name and a description. Here you can also select other API types.
Once you have created the API, there are several major steps and sections:
Base Url
The base URL must be simply the base URL, without any specific action. All actions will be built upon this base URL.
You can set any required headers global to the app in the Headers section, including passing in values from the Auth.
Similar to Headers, you can create any arguments that will be set during the course of Action. It is important to note that you can also set where those arguments will be placed in the API request - as a Query String, in the Body, or as a Param. For more details, please refer to Argument Fundamentals.